Thursday, June 11, 2009

Beautiful North Carolina

We are in Boiling Springs, NC the home of Gardner Web University for the wedding of our daughters best friend Kacey. It is beautiful here and the weather is not real hot, and of course it has rained. The town got its name because there was/is a spring that bubble up making it look like it was boiling. It doesn't do much now a days. The campus is beautiful.

I love coming to the south, people are so friendly here and very helpful. The pace is slower here, which is better than the rat race most of us live in.

I am sure the wedding will be beautiful and the couple are made for each other.

This is nice little vacation for Darby and I. We have a Suite with a whirlpool tube right in the room and a fireplace. There pool is very nice also, maybe we will go swimming tomorrow.

Guess that is about it.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


My brother is still in the hospital, he has fungal pneumonia. They say that his immune system is totally gone. That his T-cells have been attacking what blood he makes and what he gets through transfusions. The pneumonia is being treated, but the medication makes these bubbles that burst in his lung and then the lungs get fluid in them. This is very scary and he is afraid to go to sleep at night. The pneumonia is getting better and I believe they have him on anti-rejection drugs so what blood he gets stays with him.

All we can do is pray and trust that God will guide the doctors. For some reason at Hopkins you get a new doctor every week, which doesn't make much sense. I have always been a big believer in prayer and I know that God answers all prayers, but I have to admit this is pretty hard. I don't won't to get upset in front of my mom and dad I know this is hard on them. I will seem to be handling it very well and then suddenly I am crying.

I guess I am asking all of you to pray for my brother, Chip, and his family. It is out of our hands and in God's hands.

Thank You All