Life is Good Because of God. Cherish Each Day and Each Other. Be Creative, Think Beyond The Box
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The Moon On The Crest of The New Fallen Snow
The moon shining down on the snow covered lake was beautiful. It was peaceful and just showed you how Awe inspiring God's creation is. "The moon on the crest of the new fallen snow, gave a luster of midday to objects below" I love that poem and never get tired of hearing it. As I was driving tonight with the moon shining above, the spirit of Christmas was all around. I could just imagine Mary and Joseph with the baby Jesus lying in a manger. Or Santa Claus driving his tiny sleigh across the sky.
It is a very special time of year.
Merry Christmas To Everyone and Peace on Earth!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Holiday Luncheon
I finally figured out how to get the pictures from my phone onto my computer, so I could show and tell everyone about our wonderful Holiday Luncheon.
The Mt.Airy Town Hall Knitters met at TERSIGUEL'S French Restaurant for a wonderful Holiday Luncheon. One of our member's, Louise Turners' daughter is one of the chefs there. Her name is TeAnte Turner and she is the best. We had a choice of Pork, Beef, Fish or Veggie main dishes. Our appetizer was a wonderful vegetable soup, with amazing flavor and vegetables. I am not going to try and spell the entrees, suffice it to say they were all wonderful. The desert was a small chocolate mousse that was out of this world and a small blackberry tart.
Kathe, one of our members, brought English Crackers for us to open. Each contained a small whistle, crown and fun facts. Each whistle was a different pitch and when we played them as directed by Kathe it was suppose to be We Wish You A Merry Christmas, I think we need a little practice.
After our wonderful lunch some of us visited Cloverhill Yarns in Catonsville, MD. Of course I had to buy yarn and gave the bag to my husband telling him to give me this "sweater" for Christmas.
I hope you enjoy the pictures.
Merry Christmas
Sunday, December 12, 2010
This Is Christmas
This picture of Santa represents my Christmas's as a child. Something about him just brings my childhood memories back. He is an old fashion Santa, which is how I remember my Christmas's. I have been thinking lately about my Christmas's as a child, it is hard to put into words that special feeling. We always had two trees, one in the living room, which had the fancy and special balls on it; and one in the basement rec room, which was our tree, it had the homemade paper chains and the big lights on it. The creche was set up in a prominent place, because without Jesus there would be no Christmas.
I want to write about my childhood someday, but I have to figure out how to get those feelings into words.
My husband called me this past Saturday, he and our daughter were out shopping for me and I was desperately trying to find lights for the tree. They had seen a group of three woman in their late 20's and a women with them in here late 50's, leaving a store with their Christmas shopping getting into a Limo, he thought it was ridiculous, I thought it was the best idea I have ever seen. Relaxing in the back of the Limo while the driver fought traffic.
Our house is finally decorated and I am beginning my baking. I have wrapped everything and feel very relaxed. All that nagging paid off, getting the lists from everyone early.
Remember, Jesus is the reason for the season, without him we wouldn't have Christmas. Merry Christmas!!!!
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Weather Outside Is Frightful
But the fire is so delightful. I love the cold weather, I know I am crazy, but I love it. I am sitting here in my warm flannel PJ's listening to the wind blow outside.
The house is decorated, except for the live tree, which I hope we get this weekend. I am finished shopping, but have to wrap it all. I am really looking forward to my Wednesday Knitting group, we are having our gift exchange and luncheon. Louise I am jealous and hope I get your gift, it is beautiful.
We need to stop and slow down this time of year, which I know is opposite of what we are doing. Advent is a time for reflection and prayer, remember, JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON. And yes I wish people a Merry Christmas, the same as I would hope whatever you celebrate this time of year,you would wish me the same.
Snow is called for this weekend, which is fine after we get the tree.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Good Bye Thanksgiving Hello Christmas
The last of the left overs were eaten today. Anything not eaten was thrown away, which wasn't much. We had a busy four days and I am looking forward to a normal week again, if I ever have normal weeks.
Most of my shopping is done, all I have to do is wrap. This gives me time to bake and enjoy the holidays. Our knitting luncheon is in a week and I am really looking forward to it.
I went to the movies with my daughter and two nieces, we saw Burlesque, a very good movie I must say. It kept your interest the whole time and seeing Cher sing is worth the admission. Boy I wish I looked half that good. I know it may be plastic surgery, but more power to her.
I want to see the Yogi Bear movie, it looks really good and entertaining. I also want to see Harry Potter.
I love this cold weather and hope it stays. I will be getting the inside of the house decorated for Christmas, my husband has already done the outside.
I recommend you listen to The Knitwits podcast it is very funny, with a husband and wife team. Their opening theme is the I Love Lucy theme, so that should tell you how good it is. Brenda Dane is back podcasting at CastOn, give her a listen.
Well it is off to finish some Christmas knitting, see you soon.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
SAFONA, New Holland, PA
SAFONA, New Holland, PA
What a wonderful day Louise and I had. We went to the SAFONA Fiber Festival in New Holland, PA. It was mostly Alpaca and just wonderful.
I bought my first drop spindle and got a quick lesson. I was doing great there, but when I got home it didn't work as well. I will have to go to the KnitPicks website, they have a great tutorial.
Of course I had to buy yarn, the funny thing is it wasn't Alpaca, it was cotton from Wolle's (a German pronunciation, V oo lees). The pictures show the three skeins I bought, one is for a Christmas present swap. I also have pictured my drop spindle and roving, I picked up a small pack of Alpaca to spin.
My feet should be warm, I picked up two pairs of Alpaca socks for $19.00, what a great bargain. The last picture are some of the vendors business cards. We also discovered an Alpaca Farm which is right in our neck of the woods in Thurmont. It is KenDen Alpacas, run by Kenny and Denise Favorite, their phone number is 301-271-3399. They said you can see their farm going up Rt 15 towards Emmitsburg, it across the road from Catoctin Mountain Orchards off Roddy Road.
It is so beautiful in Lancaster. We saw many horse and buggies, but I didn't get any pictures, maybe next time.
Of course we had to visit some local yarns stores. If you have ever heard of Old Susanna's, it is exactly as everyone has said. Yarns piled to the ceiling, small pathways through the yarn and tables of patterns. No rhyme or reason, but I am told she knows where everything is and can find it in an instant. I would only go back if there was a yarn I couldn't find anywhere else or that was discontinued, if they made it she has it. All I can say is Interesting.
Louise and I then went to "Kitnit Fine Yarns" on Old Hickory Road in Lancaster, PA. What a wonderful store. It is small but has the most beautiful samples and yarns. We both of course had to buy several patterns each, I also picked up buttons for my Moms sweater.
Our last stop was Christmas Tree Hill at the Mansion. There are several of these stores in MD, Hagerstown is the closest, but none like this one. It is housed in a sprawling old Mansion, decorated for Christmas all year long. We found some great ornaments, but they also carry Department 56 and beautiful furniture. I got some Christmas shopping done and could have spent a lot more.
Wow two posts in less then 2 days, how am I going to keep up this pace.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
Gee, I didn't realize how long it had been since I last posted. Things as always are busy, and my back has kept me down for awhile. My knitting is coming along. I finished the sweater for my Mom all it needs is the button. I am knitting a scarf for my sister it is suppose to be a simple two row pattern, the pattern on one row and purling on the other. For some reason I have had to rip it out 3 times and have had to tink several times because I was doing the pattern row on a purl side. I have now put a stitch marker on the purl side so I hope this helps.
Life is life. Prayer is the answer, especially when you can't do anything. Mom is a lot better then she has been, she is not shaking as much and her confusion seems to have cleared up. The Dr. today said the PET scan and MRI showed everything is fine. I wish the same could be said for my sister. She is getting a divorce and her husband is being,let say not very nice or very nasty, I have other words for him, but I won't put them here. He is in Minnesota with their two daughters and she is back here trying to find a job. He had agreed to let her bring the girls back here with her, but of course didn't keep that promise. As I said he is very nasty.
It is coming into cold weather which makes me very happy, but it is not getting cold enough or soon enough.
I will try and post more often. TTFN
Thursday, October 14, 2010
It's Been A While
I didn't realize it had been so long since I have posted anything. It has been a busy couple of months. With what I don't really know, but it has been busy.
I am sitting here writing as the rain comes down. I love days like this, especially with the cooler weather. I love cold weather, bring it on.
I frogged my Ludivine, I just wasn't happy with it. I will most probably restart it in January or so. I am working on a sweater for my mom for Christmas. That is also a project that has had some changes. The measurements given were the finished measurements and not the bust size. I did go up a needle size and I think it will work out. I looked at the pattern, it is from Creative Knitting July and realized it would not be good for my Mom for winter. I will continue on it later and give it to her for her Birthday in May. I designed a simple sweater and got some yummy yarn from WEBs, I can't wait until it gets here. It is bulky weight so should knit up fast and be very warm.
This has to be my favorite time of year, although this years heat has made it a little uncomfortable.
I am continuing on my Multnomah using the Briar Rose yarn Louise gave me for my birthday, it should be so warm. Our Mt Airy Knitting group lost a dear and wonderful lady last Saturday, Becky Woodfield. She will be greatly missed.
I am slowly getting the Buttercup Top done, I usually only knit on it when I am out, so it is a little slow going. We all say we are going on a yarn diet and only use what is in our stash, but with so many yummy yarns out there how can we resist. I plan on going to Knitting tonight at Eleganza, what trouble will I get into there.
I guess that is about all I have for now. I promise to write more often.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
A Wonderful Weekend
I had my favorite group of Ladies over last night for our Traveling Malabrigo Scarf Party. We all had a terrific time and the food was wonderful. Our scarves as you can see turned out beautifully. We all had a great time knitting these scarves and can't wait for cold weather. Sunday was a lazy day, with my parents and sister coming over for dinner. My darling husband made everything.
It has rained here two days in row, hurrah. We really need the rain. I so am looking forward to fall and winter. It is kind of different in our house for the last couple of years, since we no longer have any school going children. It is funny how you mark time, when your children are in school, now it is just August and Labor Day will be here soon. We are free, but it does feel a little different.
I am back to knitting on my Ludivine Mystery KAL!!!!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Ah August Where Is September!
I am tired of this heat and humidity, I want cooler weather. Of course there are those of you out there who would tell me we can't all get what we want.
I had a wonderful trip Tuesday to Delaware with my good friend Louise. We picked up her new company van, but that wasn't the fun part. We went to the most wonderful yarn shop in Newark, Delaware. It had every imaginable yarn you could think of, it had wonderful samples for you to look at, and it had plenty of sofas, chairs and tables for you to sit and knit at or look through books. The owner was wonderful and even let Louise take pictures for her blog, Adventures of A Geritol Gypsy.
I am slowly going through my stash and putting yarns together. I am also working on about 4 projects at once. I am making a wonderful cardigan for my Mom for Christmas and just ordered the yarn. I am also knitting a hood for my daughter for this winter and got the most wonderful yarn from Webs.
August is busy so I hope it goes fast.
This picture is of the last full moon.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Are :You My Mother
These are the newest babies on our porch. I gave up on the ferns, but can't get rid of this one until the little ones fly away. This little bird looking up at me reminded me of the book "Are You My Mother".
It poured rain this afternoon and has cooled things down ever so slightly. Of course the weather men are saying we are going to get a break in the weather, highs only in the 90 to 92 range, in what universe is that a break. Hot is hot.
I am moving along on my knitting, I took a break from the Buttercup top and the Alpaca sweater to knit up some preemie hats. I am doing the mystery KAL from Shalimar yarns, the yarn is beautiful, can't wait to get the pattern clues.
We are getting five more new windows, which will take care of the back of the house, hurrah!!! November we will get the last five, I can't wait. They are so pretty, with their Prairie style grids.
I am reading the first in the Outlander series and I am really enjoying it. I was quite surprised when I was reading that one of the characters names is Letitia, just like my middle name, even spelled the same.
Well stay cool until we meet again.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
It is hot, but comfortable this evening. We are halfway through a very strange summer. I slept through the earthquake, which is real bummer. Not much is going on, my birthday is coming up later this week, but that is about it. Darby and I celebrated 31 years of blissful marriage. The definition of blissful can be subjective. We have a wonderful marriage which makes it blissful, but that doesn't mean we don't have our ups and downs.
My poor plants are always drooping and I have given up watering the ferns, I can't get rid of them yet because of the bird nest and the babies. Next year I am planting Cactus, at least I will save on water.
My sister will be moving back to the Washington DC area soon, which I am very glad of. Not much else is going on, please continue to keep my brother in your prayers. These are some of the baby birds/
Friday, June 4, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
What Others Think
I was reading the post from a blog that one of my Ravelery friends referred to. It was sad because the blog was about a women who's son was in intensive care for a severe drug overdose and assualt, the child eventually died. What struck me was when she told about being worried what other people would think and if this would affect the care her son received. It did not affect the care he received just because he was a drug addict. He was treated with care and compassion. In the ICU there was no judgement, just caring.
I like many people am always concerned about what other people think, I think I worry to much about it. I believe it is the nature of most women to think this way. But why? I think if you talk to most men they would not be so concerned about what other people think, at least not in the sense we women do. I am making a confession here when I say,that when ever I go out, I need to make sure my hair is done, my makeup looks good and my clothes are flattering. I am not saying this because I am conceited, but because I worry about what others think. I try never to judge others and hope they don't judge me, but I irrationally feel I am being judged.
Why has our society come to this, judging others by what they wear and how they look (are they slim and pretty), who they know, how much they make. We need to get away from this type of thinking. I believe sometimes the only way to do this is to stop watching television and stop reading most of the things we read now a days.
It just struck me when I read about this woman and how she was concerned about the care her son would receive because he was drug addict. This judging of everyone and everything has permeated our social conscience way to much. Our social conscience needs to be caring for others and helping others.
We need to take care of ourselves and do the best we can and if possible not worry about what other people think. The only person you should worry about what they think is God. God loves us just the way we are, he accepts our flaws, so we should to. The more concerned we become about what other people think the less time we have to truly help others and make a difference. Read Matthew 6:25-34,it is the way we all should act and feel.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Day
So many times we forget the true meaning of this day. We celebrate the "official" beginning of summer, we party, shop and picnic. We need to remember what this day is all about. We need to honor our men and women who have fought and died for our freedom. We need to honor those men and women who today are fighting for and protecting our freedom. I try every time I see a service man or woman to thank them for their service and keeping me free. We don't know what we have until it is taken away from us. We need to remember that and make sure our politicians do their job and protect our country. If they don't do the job, then they need to be removed. Don't be fooled by eloquent speech, make sure you know the truth behind the words.
I received an email the other day which described a person who was an eloquent speaker, who promised to be for the people. A person who by his words seemed to be perfect for what his country needed at the time. We all had in our minds who this person was as we read the description, the shocker was when you got to the end of this email the person being described was Adolf Hitler. We all know what happened when he came to power. It was our brave men and women who helped to overpower this evil and restore truth and democracy to the world. Let us make sure we are not fooled by pretty words and empty actions, this could happen to us and who would fight for us?
Now that I got that off my chest, I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day and enjoy the pictures of my Clematis.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Wow Apple Is Great
My IPad is great but what is even better is Apple's technical support. I had a problem with blogger and they were very helpful, finding an Application for blogger on IPad. Apple really protects it's customer they will not allow programs on that could potentially hurt your computer. They will not allow a program to be sold until it meets their stringent requirments. MY next computer will be an Apple, no more crashes or lock ups. Its a great product.
Posted with altBlogger.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
My New IPad Keyboard
This entry is using my new wireless keyboard. A little different than a regular one, but much more convenient . The weather is miserably hot, a preview of summer. Thank heaven for air-conditioning. I am moving along on my dress that I cut out. I am hoping this will turn out to be flattering and I can make some more. I much prefer dresses to skirts or pants. I am moving along on my Buttercup top in Zoe Sock, it may get done by the end of summer. Nothing much is going on, so I will write soon.
Monday, May 24, 2010
My First Post on My IPad
This should be interesting typing on a virtual key board. I seem a little faster. The weather is getting warmer which means I will be inside more. More time for knitting I hope. It is coming up on the one year anniversary of our accident, a year is suppose to make a difference. I don't know about that, I am still extremely tired and still can't do a lot of what I want. I wonder some days if I'll ever get back to feeling like I did before the accident. This has just aggravated my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Such is life, at least we survived relatively unscathed. I thank God for that everyday.
Enough of my pity party. There are wonderful things in the world, I just have to figure out how to see and do them without tiring myself out. I need to transfer so pictures on to my IPad, I don't have many on here yet, and I can't have a post without a picture. I need to get out in my garden and taken some. The clematis is blooming it's head off, and taking over front walk.
Well this wasn't to bad I still think it be easier when I get my wireless keyboard. TTFN
Enough of my pity party. There are wonderful things in the world, I just have to figure out how to see and do them without tiring myself out. I need to transfer so pictures on to my IPad, I don't have many on here yet, and I can't have a post without a picture. I need to get out in my garden and taken some. The clematis is blooming it's head off, and taking over front walk.
Well this wasn't to bad I still think it be easier when I get my wireless keyboard. TTFN
Sunday, April 18, 2010
What Happened To Spring
It is beautiful when you look out the window, but cold when you go outside. My poor furnace doesn't know what to do, I keep having to switch back and forth between heating and cooling. I don't want it real hot, but 70's would be nice.
Catherine and I are going on a train trip the end of the month to South Carolina, to visit her best friend. I love the train and would much rather sit on the train for 10 hours then drive a car. It took a little convincing for Catherine, but it is better for me and her.
I continue to ask for prayers for my Brother, he needs a miracle. I hope this doctor at NIH is our miracle. He can't survive without getting blood and platelets every 5 days or so.
Nothing much is going on in my life right now. I am winding up my year as President of the New Market Lions Club and have really enjoyed it.
Until next time. TTFN
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Spring Is Here and Happy Easter
At last spring is here in all its' splendor. The weather today is beautiful and the flowers are blooming. I always look forward to Easter, but before Easter I look forward to the Easter Tridium, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and The Easter Vigil. Maybe it is because I am a convert to the Roman Catholic Church, and this is the time of year I came into the church. Holy week reminds us all of what Jesus Christ did for all mankind. It brings it to the fore front. I believe sometimes in our daily lives we forget just what Christ did for us. No human could possibly endure what Christ did. He was both human, completely, and divine. He truly suffered for our sins.
I am hoping to get more time to sit on my front porch to read and knit. I love this time of year when it isn't so overly hot, or at least if it is hot, the humidity is low. I hate it when it gets so hot I can't go out. I feel trapped, since I can't tolerate the heat. In winter it is OK because it is cold, but summer I want to be out and enjoying nature.
I still ask for your continued prayers for my brother, he sees the specialist on April 27, but he really is living on borrowed time, he still needs blood and platelets every week.
Spring I welcome you and celebrate all you have to give.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Reflections On The Trees
I am sitting in my sun room, parlor, office, I still don't know what to call it. It is pouring down rain and overcast. I am looking at the trees, bare of any flowers or leaves. There is still beauty in them, their bones are showing, they reach to the sky. I don't know why but they are beautiful to me in this form, rather than in full bloom. Perhaps this is because you see what they really are, you see their true beauty and not just their finery and "makeup".There is still life to them, they have green moss growing up their trunks, and the birds sit like beautiful ornaments on their branches.
I am trying very hard to stay strong in my belief in Gods infinite wisdom and power. Things for my brother do not look good. University of Maryland doctors have said all his tests look great, but because he is not producing any blood a bone marrow transplant is not possible. They have referred him to NIH to a world renown doctor who deals with this type of problem. God answers prayers, but not always the way we want. We do not have the whole picture like God does. What ever the answer is it is right for everyone involved. My prayer then is for God to help us accept his answers even if they are painful. Please pray for my brother and his healing.
I hope for Spring and all its colors and finery. God shows us how beautiful life is in all seasons.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Where Is Spring? This From a Snow Lover
I am sitting in my Sunroom looking out at the slowly melting snow on the deck. At the height of the storms we had over 30 inches on the deck. This really helped the squirrels. All they had to do was climb on a snow pile and they were eye level with the bird feeder, how convenient for them. I love the snow and the cold weather, although it can drive you stir crazy. I did get a bit of knitting done. I just finished my second Multnomah shawl in worsted weight yarn. It is wonderful, but it really takes a lot of time when doing it in worsted weight. It is exactly what I wanted though, so it is worth the work.
I never knew anything could keep my interest as much as knitting has. I do a variety of things, but this is something I have yet to grow tired of. I have been knitting I believe over 6 years now. I have so many patterns I want to knit I will never run out of things to do.
Having seen a Cat Bordhi book I might even take up socks, which I vowed never to do after several failed attempts. I believe her toe up method may be the answer.
That is about it for now. The picture I hope will bring spring.
Friday, January 15, 2010
A Sunny Winters Day
As I am sitting looking out my bay window, the squirrels are chasing each other around the deck. They are funny little creatures, very animated. I have one who crawls up the outside furniture and sits on the shelf outside my kitchen window looking in. He will also come to the bay window and stand on his hind legs and look in. I write in my children's books about Elizabeth mouse, but maybe I should write about these squirrels, they could have quite an adventure.
My knitting is coming along, I finished my first multnomah shawl and I am working on another one. I am slowly, very slowly working on Catherine's hooded scarf, it is not complicated just tedious somehow. I don't seem to be progressing as quickly as I thought I should. I will pick up the yarn from Kristi today to start the criss-cross jabot from Knitspot for the Shalimar KAL.
Chip ( my brother) is having a bone marrow biopsy today at the University of Maryland, hopefully they can help him, they are our last hope. Don't ever go to John Hopkins, they lie to people and force people into studies by not informing them until it is to late about the study. My brother went down there for what he thought was a simple bone marrow transplant, but after they had killed off all his bone marrow, they informed him that he was going into a study, when he objected they told him it was that or nothing. They had 100% matches, but their study was using half matches from a relative, which my sister, niece and I were. My sister gave her bone marrow but it did not take. Most likely because it was only a half match. They jeopardized my brothers life for their study. This is unethical and needs to be reported, I am hoping my sister will do so. Please keep Chip in your prayers that the University of Maryland can help him.
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