I know many people like indian summer, but I don't. Give me cool weather anyday. I finally got the Ella Coat cast on and I am waiting for my number nine harmony needle tips, I seem to have lost one. This will be a major project for me, stay tuned for my progress. I am still working on the cardigan and I am taking the Wicked Sweater Class at Eleganza on Thursday. Darby and I are going to Frostburg, MD on Monday to see his Aunt at the nursing home. I love to go to Frostburg at this time of year, it is cooler and the colors are perfect right now. I am going to take my camera and have told Darby we are driving farther west towards Grantsviile on the old road. The scenery and vista's there are breathtaking.
We need rain here, especially since we just planted grass seed. Catherine, our daughter, is working nights at Bethesda Naval in the NICU, I hope this doesn't give her any health problems, her doctor told me this is not good for her, since she has PCOS. She loves working with the preemies, she calls them her babies. Darby and Dawn are pretty much ready for their wedding, even though it is a year away.
My brother is going through Chemo to prepare for the bone marrow transplant, please keep him in your prayers.
I guess that is all for know.
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