Friday, December 18, 2009


Well the first real snow of the winter is coming and it isn't even officially winter yet, not until the 21st or 22nd. I have made hotel reservations for my daughter to stay in Bethesda close to work, she is a nurse at Bethesda Naval hospital. That takes a little worry of my mind. I love the snow but hate it if anyone I know has to go out in it.

We will have a White Christmas this year, it should be beautiful, the roads should be clear, but white all around us. I recently watched Julie and Julia and loved it. This blogging thing is pretty good. I don't know if I'll cook my way through Julia's cook book, but I want to get it and try. I really loved watching her on television, we should all have her attitude about cooking. Hurray for Butter. Maybe with this snow I will get my baking done.

Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I Did It

I joined the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrator's. I have written a few children's stories and have wanted to get them published. I met a woman Saturday night who was a published author, and she was the spark that gave me the courage to set this dream in motion. I have learned quite a lot from just visiting their website.

My Aunt Barbara was a writer of children's books and has always inspired me. My Aunt was also a very good illustrator who could make her stories come to life. Illustrating is one thing I don't know how to do, which is frustrating because I see the illustrations in my mind and want to put them to paper. Maybe I will take a drawing class.

I want this dream to come true and will do what is takes to get published.

Wish Me Luck!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

It is a beautiful day today. I had to get up early to take Hubby to pick up a rental car, so we went out to breakfast. I wasn't much fun because I was still asleep. The weather is suppose to be beautiful, the weather mans words, but a little to warm for me at this time of year. I can't wait until Wednesday when we are to get rain and temperatures back to normal for this time of year. I will have to say that the frosty air this morning was wonderful.

I am coming along on my sweater and have knitted a gauge swatch for another sweater. This sweater will be out of Blue Sky Baby Alpaca in a chestnut brown. I can't wait to get started. One problem I am having is counting the number of stitches, my eyes are getting old and the dark color makes it difficult. I think I will have some one else check my gauge to be sure I am on gauge.

Our daughter will be with us for a little while longer. Even though she qualifies for a sizable mortgage, after looking at her finances and the college loans, it would be tight buying a house right now. She is relieved, I know she wants to get closer to work, but I don't think she likes the idea of living so far away from home. If she could find a house in Urbana, it would cut about 20 minutes off her commute. Not much but better then right now. One of these days we will know what empty nesting is, but not now.

Well I think I am going to rest a little and then do some knitting or sewing.

PS: I sent five preemie hats with my daughter down to the NICU at Bethesda Naval. I am working on more. They are so cute.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

An Exciting Time of Year

This is right down the street from me.

This time of year I love. Except for this nasty warm, yes I said warm weather. It needs to be cold now. Things can get busy now, but I have to be careful I don't over do it and end up in the hospital again.

My thoughts turn to Thanksgiving and the dinner. I am hosting and love to do it. I enjoy decorating the house and the tables.

Christmas is just around the corner and I already have some gifts. I just have to make sure what I got for whom. My knitting is coming along. I need to finish the sleeves on my sweater so I can wear it. I love knitting the preemie caps for the NICU at Bethesda Naval. They are quick and so cute. I want to start on a cardigan with my Blue Sky Alpaca.

Enjoy the fall.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


It is raining and cold today, I love it. If I didn't have to go out it would be perfect. I am moving along on my cardigan and can't wait to finish it. I need to work on my shawl/wrap in the alpaca. Everything has kind of been put on the back burner because of the wedding and then me going into the hospital.

I want to make some applesauce so maybe this weekend I can convince my husband to drive to the mountains and get some apples. My kids only like homemade applesauce, I guess I spoiled them in that way.

I had my 15 minutes of fame recently. Many months ago I had contributed money to the podcast Cogknitive, as I was catching up on my listening, Dr. Gemma announced that the month of August was sponsored by Susieknitster of New Market, MD.. Louise called and told me about it, so I quickly downloaded the podcasts and started listening to them. With everything that was going on I had stopped listening to podcasts. I usually listened in the car and since I couldn't drive I got out of the habit of listening to them.

I love this time of year and look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. The colors on the trees are becoming prettier by the day, a drive in the mountains is called for.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ahh Fall

The wedding went off without a hitch, the bride was beautiful and so was everyone else. I can't believe my little boy is married. We had a wonderful time in Williamsburg, VA on vacation with Darby's sister Catherine and her husband Jack. We are planning on making this a yearly thing. Next year we are going to Myrtle Beach sometime in October.

Life is getting back to normal, vacations are nice, but as Dorothy said, there is no place like home. I can now concentrate on our Study of the Catholic Church and enjoy my knitting get together's on Wednesday mornings and Thursday evenings.

We even got some Christmas shopping done in Williamsburg, there are only 90 some days left until the Big Day. The many Christmas Shops told us that. Thank heavens for the cool weather, I am not a summer person. I love the Fall and yes, even the winter. I just finished my shawl for the Shalimar Early Fall KAL, once I get my computer back, I need to take a picture and post it. The shawl is so warm and cozy I can't wait until it gets a little cooler.

I guess that is about it for now. With the wedding behind us, things are a little slow, but that is OK.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Today in History

I remember vividly that morning. I was watching the Today show and saw it happen. My neighbor came over and we couldn't believe it. I tried in vane to get in touch with Darby and couldn't. When I finally went upstairs to get dressed and turned on the TV I was in for a bigger shock. They were reporting on NY and the local station switch to the Pentagon, I knew it was the Pentagon before they even said anything. Darby had worked there for years and still had meetings there on occasion. Since I couldn't get in touch with him I really panicked. This was before we all had cell phones. He could have been at the Pentagon. I did finally get in touch with him and we tried to figure out how to get him home, the metro was not running. When they finally reopened metro he got home.

I will never forget the feelings of that day. I sat on my porch waiting for my daughter to get home from school. It was eerily quiet. No planes were in the air. We are over the flight path for Frederick Airport, so this really was eerie.

It changed our lives. We all got cell phones after that. We all felt a little closer to each other. It didn't bring us back to church because we always went to church, but I would say church was a little fuller after that.

Will we ever not remember I don't think so. I think this will be with us for the rest of our lives. Let us not forget to tell those who were to young to remember so it is never forgotten.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mid Month Ramblings

The wedding is almost here, and we are glad. It will be a wonderful day, but at this point we just want it over. DH and I are going to Williamsburg, VA the Tuesday after, with DH sister and her husband. We are really looking forward to this.

My Tropical Tee is done, but a little big. I have to figure out how to pull it in. I have some ideas. I am now knitting on a shawl in Blue Sky Alpace, it is so yummy. I am also going to do the Shalimar Early Fall KAL. I am doing my favorite shawl in Missy, in the colorway Billowy.

Our daughter is just waiting to hear that the first mortgage bank has signed off on her offer for the house in Germantown, hopefully she will be a homeowner in the next week or two. Of course that means, painting, putting up fans, replacine flooring, etc. She is excited but I am sure a little scared. The house is really beautiful, it has a porch and flower garden in the front. I am sure we will helping build a deck next spring.

I am looking forward to the weather cooling down. I don't like hot weather!!

Well I am sure you won't hear from me until after the wedding, so tata for know.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Summer Time and The Living Is Easy?

The weather just makes you want to stay inside and knit. That is exactly what I have been doing. My tropical tee had a tiny set back. I didn't like where I had joined a new piece of yarn (I had to because I ran into a knot, and a few more after that), so I put in a life line and ripped back. It looks much better now and I know I did the right thing.

This no driving thing is getting to me. No matter what I want to do I have to rely on someone else. My daughter and husband have been wonderful. Louise you have been a true gem, I would be going mad by now it not for our little adventures.

I look forward to the cool bright days of autumn. I want to wear some of my sweaters that I plan to finish soon.

A rainy day would be nice not only for staying inside but our lawn could use the drink.

Life is what you make it, so be joyful and thank God for all you have.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sunny Day

The sun has come out and I believe it is not quite as hot as before. This is only a brief reprieve it is suppose to be 90 degrees and above by Sunday. I am getting out today. Louise and I are going to dinner and then knitting at Eleganza, Yippy, Hurray!!! (You think maybe I am going a little stir crazy).

I am progressing on my Tropical Tee. I hope to get some help this evening on the Lacy pattern shrug. It is really pretty but the pattern is a little confusing, I have started it 5 times now and still can't get the ending right.

We are having the bridal shower for Dawn this Sunday. I have to make up the bouquets, but mostly everything is coming along nicely.

If I only could drive, Darby likes it because he says I am not spending money, did he forget the internet (haHa). Sometimes I just want to get out of the house, not spend money.

I guess that is all for today. I hope to get out and get some new pictures of flowers in my garden, so you will see them next time.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Today is is sunny and very hot. We have finally gotten the summer weather we thought we would never get this summer. Well the Doctor says he does not see any healing of the bone yet, but that is not unusual, there is such a large area to heal. Each time I go to him I learn more. This type of break is very bad, but at the same time very good. There is more surface to heal and let the blood flow get to it. He also told me that it is also the most painful break, Duh, I could tell him that.

Enough about me. I am progressing on my Tropical Tee, slow and steady wins the race. I also am starting on the Lacy Shrug from the Nashua Vacation booklet. It is beautiful, but I have had to rip it out four times now. I did finally find the Irrata on it, which explained a lot, but I am having problems making it come out right at the end. I think I need to talk to Kristi about it.

I am going on a Cruise around Ireland, Scotland and England, that leaves from Rotterdam, The Netherlands, next August. Louise (Roadweaver) told me about it and we are going together along with Teante and maybe Brian her husband, and maybe my daughter Catherine.

Life is good and this whole thing with my arm is teaching me patience. It reminds me of a "prayer", God please give me patience and hurry up with it.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Things Are Getting Better

It was a good day today. My husband got good news from him doctor and even though I am still in a sling, things are doing OK.

I am knitting again slowly and have finished the back of my tropical Tee. I have cast on for the front and will begin knitting it soon. I got some wonderful Alpaca from Eleganza's sale and also some Shalimar.

God blesses us always, and it is said all prayers are answered, even if it is not what you wanted. Garth Brooks has a wonderful song call "I Thank God For Unanswered Prayers", you should listen to it some time it really has a great message.

I just finished reading "The Shack" I recommend it to everyone, it can be a life changing book. It shows God, Jesus and The Holy Ghost in a wonderful and unique way.

I just want to thank God for today and his many blessings. I want to live up to His standards and be worthy of His blessings.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ah Summer

It is starting to get a little more sticky here, but the weather is still great. I am still trying to mend, but it is not going to well, the Doctor hopes in another three weeks to see some healing. I am not knitting much, but a will do a row at a time and stop. I miss being able to knit faster, there are some new projects I want to start.

Our sons wedding is coming up in about two months so things are getting a little more hectic on that front. My brother is not doing real well, so please continue to pray for him.

It has been nice to have someone clean the house for us, it would be even better if I could continue to have her come every week. ( Ah what luxury).

I miss everyone at my knitting groups, but can't go anywhere until I can drive and who knows when that will be.

Well that is about all.

Friday, July 10, 2009

A Brief Note

This will not be long, since I shouldn't be typing. My broken collar bone is not healing and I have to see an orthopedist. This are frustrating times since I can't do much of anything, it is wearing on me. The picture is one I took at night of the moon over our neighborhood. It looks like the sun, but if you look, the house silhouette is black. I have always been fascinated by the moon and the light it sheds.

I want to get back to knitting, but I don't know what the Doctor is going to say. I may have to have surgery. Who Knows?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thank God and Ford

As some of you may or may not know Darby and I were in a serious accident on June20, 2009. As you see from the picture our car was totalled. We escaped with minor injuries, I have broken collarbone and contusions and Darby has some bad contusions. We were hit head on and spun around and then hit by two more cars. God was with us that day and our Ford Taurus did the rest. I was stuck in the car and the fire department had to pry the door off to get me out. All in all we are very lucky.

Something like this makes you think. We have the pain and the fatigue but we are alive. We will never drive the same way again. The guy that hit us was leaning down to get his sunglasses and came over the center line. We all do things like this, but not any more.

Since our car was totalled we had to get a new one. A Ford Taurus of course. The new one has Sync, which syncs my phone with the speaker system. No more driving while holding the phone.

I can't do much knitting, I am so right handed it is ridiculous, I am totally helpless. I am able to half dress myself now but it is still difficult. I miss seeing every one and of course I can't drive for a while, so I am at the mercy of my darling husband and daughter.

I love my husband dearly and appreciate all he is doing, especially since he doesn't fell 100% yet.
This makes you think and appreciate your life.

God was with us that day and is with us everyday, I thank Him everyday for saving our lives.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Beautiful North Carolina

We are in Boiling Springs, NC the home of Gardner Web University for the wedding of our daughters best friend Kacey. It is beautiful here and the weather is not real hot, and of course it has rained. The town got its name because there was/is a spring that bubble up making it look like it was boiling. It doesn't do much now a days. The campus is beautiful.

I love coming to the south, people are so friendly here and very helpful. The pace is slower here, which is better than the rat race most of us live in.

I am sure the wedding will be beautiful and the couple are made for each other.

This is nice little vacation for Darby and I. We have a Suite with a whirlpool tube right in the room and a fireplace. There pool is very nice also, maybe we will go swimming tomorrow.

Guess that is about it.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


My brother is still in the hospital, he has fungal pneumonia. They say that his immune system is totally gone. That his T-cells have been attacking what blood he makes and what he gets through transfusions. The pneumonia is being treated, but the medication makes these bubbles that burst in his lung and then the lungs get fluid in them. This is very scary and he is afraid to go to sleep at night. The pneumonia is getting better and I believe they have him on anti-rejection drugs so what blood he gets stays with him.

All we can do is pray and trust that God will guide the doctors. For some reason at Hopkins you get a new doctor every week, which doesn't make much sense. I have always been a big believer in prayer and I know that God answers all prayers, but I have to admit this is pretty hard. I don't won't to get upset in front of my mom and dad I know this is hard on them. I will seem to be handling it very well and then suddenly I am crying.

I guess I am asking all of you to pray for my brother, Chip, and his family. It is out of our hands and in God's hands.

Thank You All

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Trying To Get By

This has been a stressful week for me. I had to call the EMT's for my "adopted son" Michael on Tuesday, he had not taken his insulin and went into KA. He is doing better and will be coming home soon. My mom called tonight and said my brother is back in the hospital with a fever, they don't know why and with his body not producting blood this is serious. Please keep him in your prayers.

What got me through this week are my knitting friends. Being able to go to the Wednesday morning group in Mt. Airy was great. Tonight at Eleganza was wonderful also. Good friends are a blessing. I also have to thank my wonderful neighbors, we all look out for each other.

This is going to be a busy weekend, especially with my daughter still looking for a house in Germantown. If any one knows of a decent Townhouse for sale in Germantown, please let me know. There are a lot of houses for sale, but most are forclosures and they are in horrible shape.

Well back to the sewing machine.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What Have I Been Doing

I can't believe it was almost a month ago that I last posted. Sorry, Sorry.

Mothers day has come and gone, it was very nice, DH was working on the deck and is still working on the deck. I can't wait for that to be finished and neither can he.
I went to Minnesota, Chaska to be exact to visit my sister and her family. It was my oldest niece Kira's confirmation. It was a lovely day, nicer than here, and we all had a good time. I represented the east coast part of the family. I love Minnesota and greatly enjoy flying, even with all the hassle.

We are still working on the September wedding of my son and his fiance. We are going to a silk flower place in Pennsylvania soon to get the flowers. Our daughter just had a wedding shower for her best friend, here at the house, today. That wedding is June12 (what ever the Saturday is) and we are going. It is in Boiling Springs, NC a beautiful little town, home to Gardner Webb University. Can't wait for that, it will be a mini vacation for Darby and I.

As an aside one of her best friends cousins brought their 8 week old little boy, he started crying and no one could seem to sooth him. The minute Catherine took him he quieted down. She really has the touch. She is very special and it takes someone special to work in the Neonatal Intesive Care Unit.

My brothers second bone marrow transplant has been put on hold. They say he would not survive. His biopsy shows dead lukemia cells which is very good, but his body is not producing enough blood, he is still having to get transfusions. They are doing IVG which is an immune boosting treatment, hoping this will kick start his bone marrow.

He is getting a little discouraged, with John Hopkins. They are living on a reputation that is not exactly true. There patient relations sucks. You are lucky if you talk to the doctor and he actually answers your questions. We are still praying and ask everyone we know to please continue to pray for Chip and his family.

I am trying to figure out why I can't seem to get my things done. I think it is because I am doing for everyone else. I just want one week that I have nothing to do. Darby is out of town this week, maybe I can get some things done. I won't have to worry about getting meals and things.

I will try to Blog a little more frequently. The picture is my Clematis vine in the front of my house and the beautiful sunset we had.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


My sister just called me and said she had heard from my brothers wife that they have found three 100% bonemarrow matches for my brother. That is all we know for now, but we are blessed that they found three. Please Pray that this works this time and he is healed and starts producing his own blood.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ah Spring

It is really looking and feeling like spring. Some one needs to tell Mother Nature, the cool weather this coming week is not welcome. We are working in the yard, or I should say my dear husband is working in the yard. He and our son will be replacing the decking with trek deck in the next couple of weeks. My poor feet are so grateful, splinters are no fun. With the spring and wet weather, I have gotten my yearly case of bronchitis, so if you don't see me at get togethers', that is the reason. The doctor gave me stuff today so I should be feeling better. Plans for the wedding are moving along, I think I may have found a dress.

The flowers are beautiful, we are putting in a path and perennials along the side of the house, with a fountain and bench. The grass doesn't want to grow like my husband would like so we are putting stone in with ground cover and some everblooming hydrangeas, I love hydrangeas.

I am coming along with the simple cardigan, I am almost finished one sleeve and the other is half way done. I am planning on a cap sleeve top and want to finish the shawl I started. Every time I open a magazine or stop in at Eleganza I see things I want to do.

I am missing Louise and hope we can get together soon. We will miss each other at Sheep and Wool this year because I will be in Minnesota.

I am soaking my Noni classic purse to felt it some more, the handles are beautiful but the purse needs to shrink a little more.

Enjoy your spring, we all know the weather will get hot very soon.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hurrah For The Sun

It finally returned, the sun, the glorious sun. Everything looks different when the sun shines. Things have been busy, everyone was here at my house on Sunday for Easter. I got to see my brother for the first time since before Thanksgiving. His leukemia is dormant right now but his body is not producing enough red blood cells, so he needs transfusions. He is on the national bone marrow list, hoping to find a 100% match. Please keep him in your prayers and hope that they call him soon with a match.

Our flowers are blooming and we are going to start another garden on the side of the house, hopefully with a fountain and bench. It is shady and sunny so we need a mix of plants.

The wedding plans are coming along for our sons September wedding. We love Dawn and are so happy she is going to be a part of our family. I know Catherine likes it that she has a "sister".

I am working on two sweaters, two or three scarves and just bought some beautiful yarn from Eleganza to knit up a summer top. Don't tell my husband. I am determined to finish the pink sweater as soon as possible. My idea of knitting both sleeves at the same time backfired, so I am now knitting them separately.

Hurrah for the Sun, the warm weather and spring.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Rainy Day

Today was spent mostly in the car taking my "adopted" son to see the surgeon. He had surgery last Thursday on his leg and foot and needed to go back for a check up. All is well, but he needs to stay off the foot as much as possible. His doctor is at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore. I had hoped to hear from a friend I haven't spoken to in awhile, but there were no messages. This is getting me a little down, because I don't know why she hasn't called. Louise is back from China and has a lot of pictures and yarn to show. I can't wait to see her. We may go on a knitting cruise together next year.

This gray weather is not helping my mood, I hope it stops and we have some sunshine soon. This to shall pass, but at this point I have no patience. I am working on two sweaters, and have finished the scarf for my sisters' boss. Every time I go into Eleganza it is like going into a candy store, temptation, temptation.

I guess that is about it, I hope by my next blog entry my mood will be better.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Just A Few Things

My kitchen is now usable and almost complete. The floors go in on Tuesday and I can finally look at it and say wow. The house is back in order, but my back is now out of order. I have been working on the novelty yarn, Cancun, scarf for my sisters boss. Now I know why I didn't knit any more of these after hers. This yarn is a dilly to work with. I am anxious to get started on my bolero with the Serendipitous Ewe yarn. I successfully frogged my pink sweater back to the beginning of the decreases, after making a mistake. Thanks Jane.

The weather has been wonderful, and those cold days are coming fewer and farther apart. Easter should be beautiful. My sister and her family will be coming in.

I am flying out to Minnesota in May for my nieces confirmation. I am really excited. I have not flown in a long time. I spent about half an hour looking at what you can and can't take. I think I will pack my knitting and just take my Kindle on the plane. I will also get to see my sisters new house. I am hoping I get to some local yarn shops, there are quite a few in the Minneapolis, St Paul area.

Weill that is about it.

God Bless

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Enjoying An Early Spring Day

My countertops are finally going in. YEA!!!!!! I am sitting in the living room watching the birds and enjoying the day, eventhough it is cloudy. I am slowly working on my shawl, the mitten for my dad, which I think I am going to frog and start over, it is a little big. I am also doing some sewing. I bought three different denims yesterday and I am going to make some skirts. Would you believe this denim says machine wash and line dry.

We are very busy right now, with DD birthday coming up, DS and his fiance moving and getting the kitchen painted and a new floor put in. The kitchen is going to be beautiful, but it is a little nerve wracking.

The birds sing in the morning are my alarm clock, although they want to get up earlier then I like. It is nice to sleep with the windows open once again. I also hear the train at night, which is comforting.

I guess that is all for now. Everybody have a blessed day.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Double Points

I have found my solution to knitting socks,etc. I bought a set of double points on Thursday to make a pair of mittens for my Dad and I am in love. I have tried the two circulars and the magic loop and was never happy with them. I knew in the back of my mind that double points were the answer and this has proved it. I love knitting with DPN's, I had bought a set of harmony ones but never used them. I am going to start a sock soon. Funny how life can be.

The more I Knt the more I love it. It is one of the most satisfing things I have ever done. It has also brought me a lot of wonderful new friends.

My kitchen is half done. The cabinets are in and I am slowly putting things away, the arrangment and kind of cabinets are different then before so I have to figure out where to put things. They will be templating for the countertops on Monday, so I should have them in a week. The floor should be going in the second week of March, Yippeeeee!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Winter Musings

It was beautiful today, bright and sunny, but also very cold just like I like it. The birds are at the feeder and I must get some more squirrel food. I have been doing some driving around the county and find winter to be beautiful. The trees though bare are beautiful in their graceful way. The birches show off their white bark beautifully and there is color in many of the other trees and their bark. The cardinals stand out with their bright red in the trees. We have quite a few of them.

The trees though bear are showing some signs of life and the hope of spring to come. That means I better get my pink cardigan done so I can wear it when the weather gets warmer.

I have been listening to quite a few podcasts and find the ones from England and Australia quite interesting. A different perspective on our world is good.

Never say never and keep on knitting.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Such Is Life

I thought I would have a new kitchen today, but the designer didn't listen to the contractor and a couple of the cabinets were wrong. So it will be another two weeks before I can get my house back in some semblance of order.

I am working on my vintage noni bag and can't wait to finish it. I also want to get the cardigan done that I started I think last spring. I want to start a new bolero, using AngiMacs Hydrangea yarn, It will be very pretty.

I was worried about getting a dress for my sons wedding, but found a wonderful site, Sydneys Closet, there were quite a few pretty dresses there so I need to make up my mind and order in the next month or so.

I am going with Louise tomorrow to the Mannings in Pennsylvania, I can't wait. I will keep you updated as to what I found and couldn't resist.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sunny Day

I am sitting here in my living room with the sun coming in the bay windows, it is beautiful. I of course like the cold weather, there is something about the winter landscape. I am sitting here waiting for them to deliver my new cabinets for my new kitchen, I can't wait. The contractor is coming Monday and the granite people are coming Thursday. The granite will take the longest. I am so excited, I have never had a brand new kitchen that I picked out. I am knitting on a feather and fan scarf and I have started my Vintage Bag by Nora Bellows. It is really easy and should knit up fast. I hope I am a little more organized, I have spent all morning putting papers away, etc.

The squirrels are playing on the deck, they are eating me out of house and home, but they and the birds are a welcome sight. There is always some kind of entertainment going on. The squirrels should join the circus they are quite the acrobats.

Have a wonderful day! I thought this picture would remind us spring is coming.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Waiting On The Phone

I am sitting in my lovely living room, with the sun streaming in, waiting on the phone for Capital One to answer. I have at this point been holding for at least a half an hour. This is ridiculous especially since they have my money and can't find it. I have been working on the shawl in Hydrangea and have it almost done. I am also working on my elegant cowl/hood. I will get them done. I have picked up the pink sweater and am working on the right front. I really should finish it, it will be nice for spring. I finally got to talk to a person and they still could not tell me where my money is. I don't know which is worse getting lost in the mail or lost in cyberspace. Such is life. I guess I need to get up from here and do some work. I will get some knitting in today.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A January Day

I am just sitting here on the computer with nothing specific in mind to do. I have just downloaded some darling pictures about knitting. Most are vintage prints, I just typed in women knitting and this was one of the websites. It is gray and cold today a good day to sit and knit. The house is quiet and very cozy. As I look out my bay window there are two cardinals in the trees, the really stand out in the gray of their surroundings. The crazy one is back and hitting the window again. The squirals have left for now, but they will be back. Well I guess that is all for now. This little dog was so Cute, I want one like it, maybe someday.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Beautiful New Yarn Bowl

I want everyone to see this beautiful yarn bowl. It was created by Charlene Randolph of CAR Ceramics in Savage Mill, MD. Her website is I am a very proud owner of one of her new yarn bowls. Roadweaver and I were at her studio before Christmas and told her about the yarn bowls, she sketched out some designs and told us she would have some samples after Christmas. This is one of her bowls. She is going to make more. Her pottery is absolutely gorgeous, it is very pretty and anything but ordinary. Her designs are fresh and inventive and I am eyeing one of her tea pots. If you can get to her studio you are in for a treat.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The New Year and All Its Possibilities

It is already the 3rd of January 2009, how time flys when you are having fun. Our house is getting back to normal. I purchased the Expedite bookshelf from Ikea for my sewing room. It looks nice in the store, but I will never buy one again. It took my husband and I, more my husband than me 5 hours to put it together. The pegs seemed to big and they would break through the veneer. I know a lot of people love this case and have it, but never again.

I am looking over my projects in progress and deciding what to work on next. I want to make the Otterwise Shawl in Anj's yarn so you can see how beautiful it knits up. I will be starting that soon. I hope it snows this winter, I like one or two good snows. But of course I just like the cold.

I am really excited, we are getting a new kitchen, really just new cabinets, with an added pennisula and granit counter tops. I can't wait!!! There is one down side though, I will be without a kitchen for a while , and eating out gets tiring after a while. I guess we will have to go to my mom and dads for supper.

Well I need to get back to arranging my bookshelves, so this is all for know.