Well I went to Stitches East for the first time. It was quite an adventure. I have to say I have the most wonderful husband in the world. He just sat upstairs and read as long as I wanted to shop. He called me, not to say he wanted to go, but just to see if I wanted lunch. I could have stayed as long as I wanted. My feet and back by that time had, had it and I was ready to go. I found there was of course a lot of yarn, but none that really wowed me except Shalimar and Serendipitious Ewe. Everybody else seemed to have the same thing and the same colors, but Kristi and Angela had different colorways and I think their booth really stood out. Also a lot of the yarns I touched were rather rough, I don't know if that was the quality or just the way the yarn was suppose to feel. I was surprised to see some major internet retailers there, which surprised me. I purchased a sea grass basket from Ghana and a bowl made of reed, they are beautiful. There were some vendors there with jewelry and shawl pins that were very beautiful. The most amazing yarn was the Jelly yarn, the kind they make the jelly shoes from. I don't know if i would buy it , but it was interesting to touch and look at. I saw a few friends there throughout my adventure and of course we all were buying. They had a vendor there selling Quivat, but it was $80 a ball and I really couldn't justify it. Well I guess that is about it.