I love cold blustery days like today, you can snuggle up and knit. You know the Bible says Sunday is a day of rest and lately that is what Darby and I have been doing, it is really great. I am still working on my Wicked Sweater, and waiting to get my square needles to start a neck warmer for my mom for Christmas. It is made out of Rowan Kidhaze Mohair in pink and it will be so soft. I have finished a good deal of Christmas shopping, most if not all of it done on the computer, what a wonderful invention, the internet (Thank You AL Gore, lol). I will be having Thanksgiving so I better get my list made up. I was watching Divine Design and Candace put a 10' farm table in a dining room that was fairly formal and it looked great. I love my dining room set, but the table is oval and it is difficult to set ten people. I wonder if I can convince Darby to look at a new dining room table. I can only wish. While that is about all, I better get up and do some straightening up.
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