It has been a year of change. Catherine (our youngest) bought a house in Germantown, going to settlement on September 15. She moved in December 10. The house is beautiful now and all the hard work was worth it, the money kept flowing out, but that to was worth it. We are now empty nesters.
Not only are we Empty Nesters, but Darby is retiring in 2 days. I don't know how I feel about this. While having him home more may be a good thing, having him at home more is also going to change my life, I don't know if I am ready for that change. I will still go to knitting on Wednesdays, that is set in stone, nothing changes that. I am hoping that we will travel more and we do have a cruise booked that will probably take place in 2013. We have also talked of taking a trip to Ireland, I hope he still wants that. My husband can be a stick in the mud sometimes. I want to travel, but getting him out may prove to be a challenge.
I have scheduled an appointment with my counselor for tomorrow, I think I need to talk some of this out. Things have been stressful and taking peoples heads of is not in my best interest.
Everyone we have talked to, who has retired says it is great. Then again they are not married to my husband. Don't get me wrong I love him, but!
My blog seems to be rather negative wouldn't you say, and I am not a negative person. This coming year will be different and will mean changes for both of us. I just ask for your prayers and hope that by the time I post again my attitude will have gotten better.
I wish everyone a Wonderful and Prosperous New Year!!!
Life is Good Because of God. Cherish Each Day and Each Other. Be Creative, Think Beyond The Box
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
I Want The Cool Weather Back
Not much to say, except we are still working on Catherine's house, it is becoming a little more expensive then we thought. Every time you turn around there is another charge or thing that has to be paid for. Welcome to Home ownership my dear. I yearn for the fall colors and cool air all the time, not just at night.
Remember October is Breast Cancer awareness month, so remember to wear pink in support of all those with breast cancer. We can beat this thing.
I just went to the Doctor's yesterday and was told that this ongoing back pain is because of my Fibromyalgia which is making everything worse. What has made the Fibro worse is the Accident 2 years ago, I am still paying for that and it wasn't our fault.
This is fall to me, I want to be right there.
I may feel overwhelmed and tired, but I have to remember God is there with me all the time!!
Remember October is Breast Cancer awareness month, so remember to wear pink in support of all those with breast cancer. We can beat this thing.
I just went to the Doctor's yesterday and was told that this ongoing back pain is because of my Fibromyalgia which is making everything worse. What has made the Fibro worse is the Accident 2 years ago, I am still paying for that and it wasn't our fault.
This is fall to me, I want to be right there.
I may feel overwhelmed and tired, but I have to remember God is there with me all the time!!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Paradise Disney Style
Paradise is many different things to many different people. But I was on a little piece of Paradise this past week. My friend Louise booked she and I on a cruise in January and then told me we were going. She said she booked it so far in advance so I had the time to pay for my share and not have to rely on Darby. It was absolutely wonderful, hot, but wonderful. Disney is the only cruise line I will ever use. It is perfection, they make you feel like royalty.
The ship is a work of art. The light fixtures are literally commissioned glass works of art. There is space galore and you never feel crowded. There are all types of paintings (some animated), sculptures, and Mosaic scenes all over the ship (it is not a boat, but a ship). Disney ships are reminiscent of the old ocean liners of yesteryear. They are big, beautiful and no matter what price you paid, very luxuries.
The shows are Broadway quality and never disappoint.
The food is beyond compare. Each night is like dinning in a high end restaurant on land. The service is impeccable and your choices are many.
Our room was beautiful, with a veranda and of course wonderful views of the ocean.
Each night there were shows to attend, first run movies and the lounges were great. Evolution is a bar that has different themed nights and great shows. The com median we saw had us rolling in the aisle.
There is a bar called Skylines that makes you feel you are in a roof top lounge in some of the worlds most beautiful cities. Not only does the skyline change, but the artwork changes for each city.
The best lounge is Pink, where you are suppose to be in a Champagne bottle. As I said before the lights are works of art. The main light sculpture looks like champagne bottles, and the smaller lights look like champagne glasses. The walls are covered with round glowing balls that look like champagne bubbles. The champagne drinks are wonderful and the champagne is exclusive for Disney. I was going to purchase a bottle until I saw that it was $96.00 for one bottle.
Nassau in the Bahamas is OK. It has a Straw Market, that is full of native people selling anything and everything for a steal. There were tons of "Coach" bags, "Louie Vitton" bags and "Cartier" watches. My father had told me you have to bargain and he was right. The things may not be genuine, but they are close enough and the price is unbelievable. I was able to pick up a tennis bracelet for a steal at a jewelry store that is sanctioned by Disney.
Unless you like to gamble at Atlantis there is not much to do but touristy things. Most people who have taken more then one cruise usually don't get off the boat here.
The next day is Castaway Cay(pronounced key). This is truly paradise. The water is the deepest blue I have ever seen and sitting on the beach with you feet in the water is heaven. There are no waves, the water is clear, shallow and warm. There is a man walking along the beach taking orders for Conch Coolers, what could be better.
Our last night we had our picture taken with the Captain and our wonderful servers.
You don't want to leave, but you have to. I can't wait for the cruise I booked for Darby and I to the Western Caribbean. It will be seven days of heaven. I will leave you with pictures of some of the Characters around the ship. See if you can tell what movie they are from.
From Disney Cruise |
The ship is a work of art. The light fixtures are literally commissioned glass works of art. There is space galore and you never feel crowded. There are all types of paintings (some animated), sculptures, and Mosaic scenes all over the ship (it is not a boat, but a ship). Disney ships are reminiscent of the old ocean liners of yesteryear. They are big, beautiful and no matter what price you paid, very luxuries.
From Disney Cruise |
The shows are Broadway quality and never disappoint.
The food is beyond compare. Each night is like dinning in a high end restaurant on land. The service is impeccable and your choices are many.
From Disney Cruise |
Our room was beautiful, with a veranda and of course wonderful views of the ocean.
From Disney Cruise |
Each night there were shows to attend, first run movies and the lounges were great. Evolution is a bar that has different themed nights and great shows. The com median we saw had us rolling in the aisle.
There is a bar called Skylines that makes you feel you are in a roof top lounge in some of the worlds most beautiful cities. Not only does the skyline change, but the artwork changes for each city.
From Disney Cruise |
The best lounge is Pink, where you are suppose to be in a Champagne bottle. As I said before the lights are works of art. The main light sculpture looks like champagne bottles, and the smaller lights look like champagne glasses. The walls are covered with round glowing balls that look like champagne bubbles. The champagne drinks are wonderful and the champagne is exclusive for Disney. I was going to purchase a bottle until I saw that it was $96.00 for one bottle.
From Disney Cruise |
From Disney Cruise |
From Disney Cruise |
Nassau in the Bahamas is OK. It has a Straw Market, that is full of native people selling anything and everything for a steal. There were tons of "Coach" bags, "Louie Vitton" bags and "Cartier" watches. My father had told me you have to bargain and he was right. The things may not be genuine, but they are close enough and the price is unbelievable. I was able to pick up a tennis bracelet for a steal at a jewelry store that is sanctioned by Disney.
From Disney Cruise |
Unless you like to gamble at Atlantis there is not much to do but touristy things. Most people who have taken more then one cruise usually don't get off the boat here.
The next day is Castaway Cay(pronounced key). This is truly paradise. The water is the deepest blue I have ever seen and sitting on the beach with you feet in the water is heaven. There are no waves, the water is clear, shallow and warm. There is a man walking along the beach taking orders for Conch Coolers, what could be better.
From Disney Cruise |
From Disney Cruise |
From Disney Cruise |
Our last night we had our picture taken with the Captain and our wonderful servers.
From Disney Cruise |
From Disney Cruise |
You don't want to leave, but you have to. I can't wait for the cruise I booked for Darby and I to the Western Caribbean. It will be seven days of heaven. I will leave you with pictures of some of the Characters around the ship. See if you can tell what movie they are from.
From Disney Cruise |
From Disney Cruise |
From Disney Cruise |
From Disney Cruise |
From Disney Cruise |
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Perfection-Websters defines perfection as the freedom from fault or defect. A very high goal to achieve if it is truly possible. We all have tried to be perfect at least once in our lives, whether we achieved that goal or not is unknown.
As a new wife I wanted everything to be perfect that first Thanksgiving, since we were hosting both families. Guess what, it was wonderful, but not perfect. When we moved into a new home and had our first child, I was still trying for perfection, at least where the house was concerned. I knew I was doing the best I could raising our son, but of course my mother said I was to lenient and his mother said I was to hard, in the end I hope we hit a happy medium. Both our son and daughter seem to be well adjusted outstanding young people. Other than our two families, every one else thought our children were wonderful.
Perfection creeps into all our lives. I strove to be Martha Stewart until I realized I was much happier being just me, plus I didn’t have the staff or the time she does. I have a husband and children to fill my life. I still like her, but don’t want to be her.
When I first started knitting I did not strive for perfection. I just wanted to learn how and each mistake had a lesson. Now I will unknit or frog a project but only if the mistake is glaring. If only I know it is there, I look at this as making the piece unique and all mine. I have also learned to do this in the rest of my life. At the moment we are replacing the decking on our front porch and the railing. My husband was getting a little frustrated until I told him, nothing is perfect in life, just like those decking boards aren’t perfect. He still strove for the perfect spacing and the straightest edge, but also commented that we woul have to live with some of the spacing, because it was the best he could do. That is all any of us can try for.
So next time you are knitting that sweater and you make a mistake, ask yourself, will anyone know it is there, if they will, correct it. If not, it makes this sweater uniquetly yours.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Knoxville Where Do I Start
I recently visited my friend Louise in Knoxville, TN, she is there for her job with State Farm. I was greeted at the airport with this beautiful miniature of the Great Smokey Mountains.

What a wonderful way to begin my trip.
Louise is there because of severe Hail storms they had, but this is a sign I have never seen before. They are giving anywhere from $10,000. to $13,000 off on cars.

My first day there we visited MeMaws Thimble a wonderful quilt shop with the most wonderful and beautiful fabrics. Louise and I did some damage to our check books there.
On Saturday we drove to downtown and saw the Golden Globe which is what is left from the Worlds Fair exhibition. We ran into a storm so our pictures are not so great. We could use the rain up here.

Our Saturday night was spent on a river boat sailing the Tennesse River and having dinner.

Here is our reservation and dinner.

Here are some of the sights we saw, the one is just the boat house, the house is behind it on the hill.

On Sunday we drove to Nashville, TN and on the way discovered this art camp.

This piece was called Quantum Confusion How Many Worlds. It was very striking and made you think.
These are some of the art pieces that were for sale, some of them were amazing.

We finally pulled into the Opry Land Hotel complex, this place is amazing and everything is housed under a huge glass roof. We walked around through each section and had lunch. We also took a boat ride around the Delta section. The surroundings are breathtaking. There are waterfalls everywhere and the most amazing flowers you have ever seen.

My final day there we visited The Knitters Nest, the perfect yarn shop, plenty of room, an area with sofas to sit and knit, and the friendliest people.

At the airport you are greeted by this darling sculpture, a fitting good bye to a wonderful weekend with a wonderful friend.

What a wonderful way to begin my trip.
Louise is there because of severe Hail storms they had, but this is a sign I have never seen before. They are giving anywhere from $10,000. to $13,000 off on cars.

My first day there we visited MeMaws Thimble a wonderful quilt shop with the most wonderful and beautiful fabrics. Louise and I did some damage to our check books there.

On Saturday we drove to downtown and saw the Golden Globe which is what is left from the Worlds Fair exhibition. We ran into a storm so our pictures are not so great. We could use the rain up here.

Our Saturday night was spent on a river boat sailing the Tennesse River and having dinner.

Here is our reservation and dinner.

Here are some of the sights we saw, the one is just the boat house, the house is behind it on the hill.

On Sunday we drove to Nashville, TN and on the way discovered this art camp.

This piece was called Quantum Confusion How Many Worlds. It was very striking and made you think.
These are some of the art pieces that were for sale, some of them were amazing.

We finally pulled into the Opry Land Hotel complex, this place is amazing and everything is housed under a huge glass roof. We walked around through each section and had lunch. We also took a boat ride around the Delta section. The surroundings are breathtaking. There are waterfalls everywhere and the most amazing flowers you have ever seen.

My final day there we visited The Knitters Nest, the perfect yarn shop, plenty of room, an area with sofas to sit and knit, and the friendliest people.

At the airport you are greeted by this darling sculpture, a fitting good bye to a wonderful weekend with a wonderful friend.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Just A Quick Post
I finished my Traveling Woman Shawl and just love it. I also have finished the shawl for my Mom's 79th birthday. It is a modification of a Stephen West Colonade.

I was looking out the window yesterday and saw our friendly neighborhood squirrel, who usually only shows up in the Winter. I wondered why he had come onto the deck, today I found out. He is digging in my flower pots. He is either going to be dead or I am going to have to buy some squirrel repelant. He better watch out.

I was looking out the window yesterday and saw our friendly neighborhood squirrel, who usually only shows up in the Winter. I wondered why he had come onto the deck, today I found out. He is digging in my flower pots. He is either going to be dead or I am going to have to buy some squirrel repelant. He better watch out.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mothers Day
It was a lovely Mothers Day weekend. I was able to go to Maryland Sheep and Wool, had a wonderful time. I was very wise with my money, but got some beautiful things.

We went to dinner at the Shamrock with my parents, a good friend and our beautiful daughter. Our food was wonderful and the company was fantastic.
I am very busy sewing and have promised my daughter a dress. She reminded me she had paid $70 for material and she would like her dress by July. Is she trying to tell me something?
Here are the rest of the pictures of my finds, I love the hat, I got it for the Cruise that Louise and I are taking in September.

The fiber is 100% baby Mohair I can't wait to spin.

The sock yarn is for a shawl and the purple yarn I don't know what I am going to do with. The T-Shirt and bag are mementos.

All in all it was a wonderful weekend.

We went to dinner at the Shamrock with my parents, a good friend and our beautiful daughter. Our food was wonderful and the company was fantastic.
I am very busy sewing and have promised my daughter a dress. She reminded me she had paid $70 for material and she would like her dress by July. Is she trying to tell me something?
Here are the rest of the pictures of my finds, I love the hat, I got it for the Cruise that Louise and I are taking in September.

The fiber is 100% baby Mohair I can't wait to spin.

The sock yarn is for a shawl and the purple yarn I don't know what I am going to do with. The T-Shirt and bag are mementos.

All in all it was a wonderful weekend.
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