It is a beautiful day today. I had to get up early to take Hubby to pick up a rental car, so we went out to breakfast. I wasn't much fun because I was still asleep. The weather is suppose to be beautiful, the weather mans words, but a little to warm for me at this time of year. I can't wait until Wednesday when we are to get rain and temperatures back to normal for this time of year. I will have to say that the frosty air this morning was wonderful.
I am coming along on my sweater and have knitted a gauge swatch for another sweater. This sweater will be out of Blue Sky Baby Alpaca in a chestnut brown. I can't wait to get started. One problem I am having is counting the number of stitches, my eyes are getting old and the dark color makes it difficult. I think I will have some one else check my gauge to be sure I am on gauge.
Our daughter will be with us for a little while longer. Even though she qualifies for a sizable mortgage, after looking at her finances and the college loans, it would be tight buying a house right now. She is relieved, I know she wants to get closer to work, but I don't think she likes the idea of living so far away from home. If she could find a house in Urbana, it would cut about 20 minutes off her commute. Not much but better then right now. One of these days we will know what empty nesting is, but not now.
Well I think I am going to rest a little and then do some knitting or sewing.
PS: I sent five preemie hats with my daughter down to the NICU at Bethesda Naval. I am working on more. They are so cute.
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