At last spring is here in all its' splendor. The weather today is beautiful and the flowers are blooming. I always look forward to Easter, but before Easter I look forward to the Easter Tridium, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and The Easter Vigil. Maybe it is because I am a convert to the Roman Catholic Church, and this is the time of year I came into the church. Holy week reminds us all of what Jesus Christ did for all mankind. It brings it to the fore front. I believe sometimes in our daily lives we forget just what Christ did for us. No human could possibly endure what Christ did. He was both human, completely, and divine. He truly suffered for our sins.
I am hoping to get more time to sit on my front porch to read and knit. I love this time of year when it isn't so overly hot, or at least if it is hot, the humidity is low. I hate it when it gets so hot I can't go out. I feel trapped, since I can't tolerate the heat. In winter it is OK because it is cold, but summer I want to be out and enjoying nature.
I still ask for your continued prayers for my brother, he sees the specialist on April 27, but he really is living on borrowed time, he still needs blood and platelets every week.
Spring I welcome you and celebrate all you have to give.
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