The last of the left overs were eaten today. Anything not eaten was thrown away, which wasn't much. We had a busy four days and I am looking forward to a normal week again, if I ever have normal weeks.
Most of my shopping is done, all I have to do is wrap. This gives me time to bake and enjoy the holidays. Our knitting luncheon is in a week and I am really looking forward to it.
I went to the movies with my daughter and two nieces, we saw Burlesque, a very good movie I must say. It kept your interest the whole time and seeing Cher sing is worth the admission. Boy I wish I looked half that good. I know it may be plastic surgery, but more power to her.
I want to see the Yogi Bear movie, it looks really good and entertaining. I also want to see Harry Potter.
I love this cold weather and hope it stays. I will be getting the inside of the house decorated for Christmas, my husband has already done the outside.
I recommend you listen to The Knitwits podcast it is very funny, with a husband and wife team. Their opening theme is the I Love Lucy theme, so that should tell you how good it is. Brenda Dane is back podcasting at CastOn, give her a listen.
Well it is off to finish some Christmas knitting, see you soon.
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