Today was spent mostly in the car taking my "adopted" son to see the surgeon. He had surgery last Thursday on his leg and foot and needed to go back for a check up. All is well, but he needs to stay off the foot as much as possible. His doctor is at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore. I had hoped to hear from a friend I haven't spoken to in awhile, but there were no messages. This is getting me a little down, because I don't know why she hasn't called. Louise is back from China and has a lot of pictures and yarn to show. I can't wait to see her. We may go on a knitting cruise together next year.
This gray weather is not helping my mood, I hope it stops and we have some sunshine soon. This to shall pass, but at this point I have no patience. I am working on two sweaters, and have finished the scarf for my sisters' boss. Every time I go into Eleganza it is like going into a candy store, temptation, temptation.
I guess that is about it, I hope by my next blog entry my mood will be better.
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