It was a good day today. My husband got good news from him doctor and even though I am still in a sling, things are doing OK.
I am knitting again slowly and have finished the back of my tropical Tee. I have cast on for the front and will begin knitting it soon. I got some wonderful Alpaca from Eleganza's sale and also some Shalimar.
God blesses us always, and it is said all prayers are answered, even if it is not what you wanted. Garth Brooks has a wonderful song call "I Thank God For Unanswered Prayers", you should listen to it some time it really has a great message.
I just finished reading "The Shack" I recommend it to everyone, it can be a life changing book. It shows God, Jesus and The Holy Ghost in a wonderful and unique way.
I just want to thank God for today and his many blessings. I want to live up to His standards and be worthy of His blessings.
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