The weather just makes you want to stay inside and knit. That is exactly what I have been doing. My tropical tee had a tiny set back. I didn't like where I had joined a new piece of yarn (I had to because I ran into a knot, and a few more after that), so I put in a life line and ripped back. It looks much better now and I know I did the right thing.
This no driving thing is getting to me. No matter what I want to do I have to rely on someone else. My daughter and husband have been wonderful. Louise you have been a true gem, I would be going mad by now it not for our little adventures.
I look forward to the cool bright days of autumn. I want to wear some of my sweaters that I plan to finish soon.
A rainy day would be nice not only for staying inside but our lawn could use the drink.
Life is what you make it, so be joyful and thank God for all you have.
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