My wonderful husband and I went to Strasburg, PA yesterday to celebrate our Anniversary which is today July 14, Bastille Day. We rode the Strasburg Railroad, one of the oldest short line trains still running. The day was beautiful and the view were magnificent.
We traveled on the First Class Parlor Car that was air conditioned and we were served any drink we wanted and a nice cheese platter, and I had an authentic Whoopie Pie. All of the cars are restored beautifully. As you can see there is a lot of attention to detail.
After the train ride we went to the Railroad Museum across the street. That was quite a treat. The had many, many full size engines, box cars, passenger cars and even a mail car. Mail was left on a tall pole and grabbed by a hook on the train, it was then opened and sorted right on the train. They even had a Western Maryland rail car. My husbands father worked as a mechanical engineer for the Western Maryland railroad in Cumberland, MD.
We saw beautiful farm land, and homesteads that were as neat as a pin. The Amish travel by horseback or buggy, we saw many of them. The Amish do not want their pictures taken, so I did not take any of the buggies. The horses are beautiful and well cared for.
We ended our day at the Good and Plenty restaurant, where meals are served family style and you are encouraged to meet your table mates, by being introduced by the hostess and telling where you are from. There was a couple from New Jersey and a family from Luray, Va at our table. The food is all home made and plentiful. You are served the traditional relish plate and cottage cheese and apple butter. There is also homemade bread. Dinner consisted of roast beef (which melted in your mouth) a ham loaf and of course Fried Chicken. This was accompanied by mashed potatoes and gravy, buttered noodles, home grown corn, and peas. You want to save room for desert, there was cracker pudding ( it tastes like coconut cream pie filling), Shoo Fly Pie ( it is OK), cherry pie, individual cherry cheesecakes and homemade ice cream, chocolate and vanilla. The serve ice tea, lemonade, water and coffee. The food was great and so was the company.
We are definitely going back in the fall.